
Ray travelling throw octree

We can create a proper order for the boxes to be checked.



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Adaptative method is the most promizing

Adaptive methods for choosing the split point in an Octree dynamically adjust the splitting criteria based on the distribution of objects in the scene. This can be useful in cases where the scene contains objects that are unevenly distributed, such as when rendering a terrain with varying levels of detail. One example of an adaptive method is the Surface Area Heuristic (SAH). This method evaluates the cost of splitting an Octant based on the change in surface area resulting from the split. It selects the splitting plane that minimizes the expected cost, which takes into account the number of objects on each side of the split and the cost of traversing the resulting Octants. Another example of an adaptive method is the Variance-Based Split (VBS) algorithm. This method splits an Octant based on the variance of the objects contained in the Octant. It selects the splitting plane that minimizes the variance on each side of the split, which helps ensure that each resulting Octant contains objects with similar properties. Adaptive methods can provide more balanced Octants and better rendering performance, but they can also be more computationally expensive than other methods. Additionally, they may require tuning of parameters such as the maximum depth of the Octree or the minimum number of objects required to trigger a split.